Nano-Coating & PFAS Substitution Consulting

Nano Coating & PFAS Replacement Experts

Partner with Asia's first consultancy fully leveraging nano coating for superior surface protection and strategic advisory on transitioning from PFAS to safer alternatives.

testimonial from indian automotive industry
“Lotus Nano solved us a costly future problem. Perfect!” - Frank Peters, Automotive Co., India
Lotus Nano: Leading independent nanotech and nanocoating experts from India.

Client Care - Anywhere

Lotus Nano means ...

Lotus Nano goes beyond the typical consulting model, standing as your dedicated partner in navigating the complexities of nanotech coatings or the often hard task ridding PFAS from your products. From the brainstorming phase to the final application, we're committed to your project’s evolution and success.

  • Unbiased Advice: With an impartial stance and subject matter competence, we ensure your project benefits from top-tier manufacturers, custom-picked specifically to meet your needs.
  • End-to-End Engagement: Our involvement extends beyond initial guidance. We support your journey through every step, ensuring optimal implementation and ongoing optimisation.
  • On Your Side: We advocate for your interests, providing transparent feedback and strategic support to navigate challenges, ensuring your priorities are always front and center.

Lotus Nano is a company for all your nano-engineered performance and PFAS replacement needs — from the first call to project completion. We ensure that you transitions seamlessly from concept to completion without the hassle of sourcing and managing multiple vendors or complex logistics. Here's what you gain:

  • Product, Service, Insights: Vast and growing network of finest manufacturers, scientists and specialists from around the world. Top sourcing and people skills with the right set of expertise to fulfil your requirements.
  • Complete PM: Comprehensive project oversight that cuts through complexity, leaving you free to focus on what matters.
  • Customised for You: Tailored to meet your project's specifications, ensuring optimal performance and durability.
  • Streamlined Communication: A single point of contact for clear, consistent communication throughout your project's journey.
  • Cost and Time Efficiency: We are transparent with our work and all-in eliminating unnecessary delays, costs and markups.
Lotus Nano excels in precisely identifying and connecting you with the most suitable products, research, and manufacturing partners to meet your project's specific needs. We also continually update our extensive database of nanotech manufacturers and scientific institutions that specialise in nanocoating or PFAS substitution. Try us!
Embracing a 'No Middlemen' approach, Lotus Nano prioritises direct and meaningful connections between our clients and the experts — scientists and manufacturers who are passionate about their work:
  • Direct from the Source: Collaborate and communicate directly with the dedicated people behind the solutions you use.
  • Direct Communication: Benefit from clear, direct dialogue that fosters understanding and trust, without any intermediaries.
  • Direct Service & Support: Receive personalised, expert advice and support directly from the professionals committed to your success.
  • Direct Pricing: Enjoy transparent and fair pricing by dealing directly with the suppliers, ensuring you receive the best value.
  • Direct Supply: Count on consistent and direct access to the products and services you need, straight from the source.
Connected with scientific academia and attuned to latest industry trends, we ensure your projects are at the cutting-edge of current nanocoating innovation or PFAS substitution project.
Lotus Nano's approach to nanocoatings is focused on maximising commercial viability, improving your products and operational outcomes.
  • Product Integration & Marketing: We can advise on integrating nanocoatings for improved product performance and durability, along with strategic marketing insights for successful commercialisation.
  • Operational Improvement Advisory: We offer expert guidance on applying nanocoatings to equipment and facilities for operational efficiencies, cost savings, and advancing sustainability objectives.
Maintaining a competitive edge is crucial, and confidentiality is key when it comes to your products and their surface transformation or PFAS substitution strategy. We guarantee utmost confidentiality to protect your project's unique aspects and competitive advantage throughout its lifecycle.
Lotus Nano leverages informed communication, coordination and project management skills to provide comprehensive oversight of your often complex Nanocoating or PFAS substitution projects from conception through delivery. This ensures tailored, efficient solutions and superior outcomes, all while maintaining seamless engagement throughout the project lifecycle.
If enhancing customer satisfaction, differentiating your business with an exclusive value-add, or boosting significant extra revenue ticks your boxes, then Nanocoating-as-a-Service (NaaS) could be your strategic advantage for you to consider adopting.

We help you bring next-level product enhancements directly to your consumers with Lotus Nano's Nanocoating-as-a-Service (NaaS).

We equip your business with everything you need so you can offer state-of-the-art nano coatings services yourself! Nanocoating-as-a-Service is a clever add-on service to your existing work with the aim to further protect your products with nanotech.

As a result you will experience higher levels of consumer satisfaction and loyalty, generating more revenue and innovative in the market.

Discover the potential of NaaS to transform your products and customer experience: Learn more about NaaS.
Our Services Contact us!
Lotus Nano: Turn-key Industrial nanocoating solutions and specialist in PFAS replacement. We have the answers you need.
Replacing PFAS Yet?
Warning: Failure to transition to PFAS alternatives could leave you struggling with regulatory compliance, losing clients and public trust. Act now. The consequences are dire. Learn More...

We Collaborate with
Innovation Leaders

Are you spearheading innovations in Nano-Coatings or leading the charge in PFAS Substitution solutions for sectors including:
  • Aerospace, Aviation
  • Agriculture
  • Automotive
  • Clean / Renewable Energy
  • Construction / Buildings / Facilities
  • Electrics / Electronics
  • Environmental / Green Tech
  • Food Safety / Packaging
  • Fossil Energy
  • Healthcare
  • Infrastructure
  • Textiles / Apparel
  • Water Treatment

Connect with us today to learn how we can collaborate!
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Stay ahead of the competition. Collaborate with Lotus Nano today and win.

Lotus Nano

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